Confident Living
Sunday, we embarked on a new study of 1 John written by the “Beloved Apostle.” Now late in life, John is very much aware of the erosion that is taking place in the churches.The newness of the faith has started to fade now that the church was in the hands of second and third-generation Christians. In addition, false teachers were infiltrating the churches spreading heretical teaching about the humanity and deity of Christ.
John opens his letter stating that he didn’t get his knowledge about Christ second hand or third hand, he was there! He heard Him, touched Him, and studied Him. John was among the few people still alive late in the first century who had been an earwitness of His teaching, and an eyewitness of His life; His miracles, His death, and His resurrection. He was the one who looked into the empty tomb and said, “he saw and believed.”
You and I are generations removed but we are related by faith to the Apostle John. He wrote to us that we would keep the torch for Christ shining bright.
I want to encourage you to work on your relationship with God. Don’t settle for occasional, distant fellowship. Make time daily to spend with Him in His Word and in prayer. Read books that help you to know Him better.
Work at your relationships with other believers. In this sinful world, such relationships will never be perfect, but they can be good. This won’t happen without effort! The payoff is that true fellowship with one another and true fellowship with God will bring you true joy.
Press On,
Pastor Brian
